10805 Main St. Huntley, IL 60142

Children, Youth & Family

Note to the Congregation

January 19th Kid’s Movie Night!!! 

On January 19th from 6:30-8:30 we will be hosting a movie night. Have your child come in their pajamas and bring a sleeping bag or blanket to get cozy in the Fellowship Hall. We will have popcorn and some movie candy for the kids to “order” and have delivered to them. Please register at www.bit.ly/SOTPmovie0124 asap!

Candy Donations needed for our Kids Movie Night on January 19th.

Check out the registrations at www.bit.ly/SOTPmovie0124 to see what is needed.

Save the date, Friday February 23rd for “Shepherd’s Open Mic Night”

If you have a special talent that you would like to share, singing, dancing, juggling, playing a musical instrument, or imitating bird calls please join us, and bring a friend!!! Registration will be coming soon.

We will have a coffee and hot chocolate bar set up for everyone to enjoy.

Contact: Jill Gillming                jill@sotpmail.com


