10805 Main St. Huntley, IL 60142

Children & Family

With Jill

We had an amazing Easter Egg Hunt here at SOTP on April 8th! There were over 80 children that came out to hunt for candy filled eggs (photo below). We had such a great time. Thank you to everyone that donated candy, we were so very blessed with all the donations. Also thank you to everyone who took the time to fill 2400 eggs, it was a big job but with many hands involved it didn’t take very long!!!
Our next event is on Friday June 2nd, Ice Cream Social Summer Kick Off!!!! We will be kicking off summer with games, music, and ICE CREAM. This event is for the young and the young at heart, so everyone is welcome. Go to the SOTP website and register today.

Calling all VBS volunteers!!!! VBS is coming up fast, July 10-14. This years theme is Ready, Set, Move: Follow Jesus Here, There, and Everywhere! If you are interested or you have any questions on how you can help please contact Jill Gillming

Contact: Jill Gillming jill@sotpmail.com



Church Center


Here at SOTP, we want to be sure that everyone has access to the latest events and happenings here at the church. One of the best ways to keep up to date is through our church app called “Church Center”

Not only is this app updated with the most current SOTP information, but it is also a quick and easy way for all members to register for events, keep in touch with their groups and make requests for things such as room reservations!

Feel free to reach out to our Operations Manager, Matt Morrison, anytime during the week to get one on one time specific to any questions you may have.

Contact: Matt Morrison matt@sotpmail.com







Altar Flowers

Brighten the Sanctuary

We continue to ask you to please consider signing up to donate flowers to brighten up the sanctuary. Each arrangement will be $52.

The bouquets are delivered from the florist for the weekend worship services. The flowers are yours to keep after the Sunday services or on the Monday following. The church is open from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

There are several ways to place an order for altar flowers:

When you order the flowers, you will need to provide your name, the date you would like them, your phone number, and for whom the flowers are dedicated to or in memory of.  If you don’t pay online, Diane will send you a special offering envelope for the payment in the mail.  If you have any questions, please contact Diane Mollis.

Thank you for contributing to beautify the altar during our services at Shepherd of the Prairie.

Contact: Diane Mollis dem910@outlook.com

Upcoming Special Events

Join Us!



  • Saturday, February 1  Feed My Starving Children, Noon
  • Saturday, February 1  Judson University Choir with Huntley Brown, Piano Presented by the Artist Series, 7pm
  • Sunday, February 2  The Great SOTP Bake-Off, 1pm
  • Sunday, February 16  New Member Gathering, 3pm
  • Thursday, February 20 Worship assistants training (Assisting minister, readers, bread & wine servers) , 7pm
  • Friday, February 21 Kids Movie Night, 6:30 pm


  • Wednesday, March 5 Ash Wednesday Services, Noon & 7pm
  • Friday, March 7 Wartburg College Castle Singers and Kammerstreicher Presented by the Artist Series, 7pm
  • Wednesday, March 12 Weekly Lenten Dinner Church Begins, 5pm
  • Saturday, March 15 Barnabas Minister Training & Refresh, 9:30 am

Get Involved

So Many Ways to Participate in Our Community

God’s Work, Our Hands

Are you looking for ways to use your talents and participate in our church family?

Here are some ideas and who to contact for more information for each one: