10805 Main St. Huntley, IL 60142

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Photo: Prairie Quilters and One of Their Finished Quilts

December Note

From Pastor Mark

Off we go into a New Year!  Grace and peace and blessings to you and your family as you begin.  As I write this note to you, I am reading the Christmas Gospel from Luke.  I am reminded of the message the angels brought to a band of shepherds leading quite the mundane existence out in the fields near Bethlehem.

The angels bring with them a word…Glory!

Definitions of the word “glory” include a time of rejoicing, fame, splendor, or a feeling of dignity. Have you ever felt a sense of glory or honor? When?

Sometimes, when we are at our lowest, someone comes our way to lift us out of our doldrums. Do you ever stop to think that even the little things you say or do for other people may give them a moment of glory, or restore their dignity, or give them a boost at a critical time? What makes us respond to others in this encouraging way?

God restores his people over and over again when they disobey and wander off. There are often messengers, leading them or pointing them back to God. Messengers like angels long ago that encouraged a band of shepherds to go see what new thing God is doing.

Is it possible that those we encounter at crucial times, those who lift us up, have been sent by God?

In the same manner, aren’t we prompted by God in some way to respond to those around us? And what is the cause, or basis, of our responsiveness to others? Some of us may dare to admit that the intentions behind our “kind” actions are simply to look good, to foster our image, to reap some “brownie points.”

I believe God calls us to minister to each other, strangers or not.

As Christians, we not only receive  compassion and kindness from others, but also feel compelled to share compassion and kindness daily.

It is because our Father in heaven created us, and bids us to follow Jesus’ example. “The son of man came into the world to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.”  Our calling is similar, to serve!

None of us is above another in God’s eyes, although at times we certainly act and speak like we are. But by serving God and one another, our bond becomes tighter, and we are less able to be torn apart by life’s low points. God sends us out a purpose; we all have a calling to fulfill. It boils down to simply praying, listening, praising and serving.

I encourage you to find that place of service in or through Shepherd of the Prairie in the coming year.  Engage yourself in meaningful ministry and watch how God leads you to an encounter with a manger and the very real presence of the Savior.

Blessed New Year to you and your family!

Pastor Mark

Email Pastor Mark:  pastormark@sotpmail.com

Ministry Musing

By Donna Kelly

Happy New Year! As the song goes, “another year over and a new one just begun”. I don’t know about you, but 2024 seems to have gone by in a flash!

New Year’s Day is one of my favorite days of the year. The chaos and frantic celebrating of Christmas is over, and the holiday season is drawing to a close. At least in my family, there isn’t a big celebration for New Year’s Day; no gatherings, no gifts, no big meal. For me it becomes a chance to pause and reflect on the past year; the ups and downs, the joys and challenges, all the things that make life well… life.

It’s also a time for me to consider what the new year might bring. I can dream of what I would like the coming year to be; it’s an open possibility; no limits! The new year is a clean slate with no holds barred. What do I want to do differently? What would I like to change; to carry out; to attempt? Maybe spend more time listening to and in conversation with God? The new year presents us with another 365 days filled with possibilities and imaginings!

Some of us come to the beginning of the new year with excitement, joy, anticipation; looking forward to what’s ahead. Some of us come with grief, sadness, fear still gripping our hearts and minds; still caught up in loss and not sure what the new year will bring.

We invite you to come join us on January 7th for our Release and Renew experience. This is a time of meditation, practice and prayer. It is hosted as a self-guided time that can be as long or as short as is comfortable for you. The Fellowship Hall will be open from 10am to 8pm that day, so you can come at a time convenient for you. There will be people there to answer any question you may have about the process and to pray with you if desired.

I hope as you contemplate the new year and all the possibilities that lie before you in the 365 days ahead, you will look for ways to become engaged with the people and the world around you. There are so many places to involve your life with your community, your family, your friends, and here at SOTP. Check out the SOTP website, sotp.org and look at all of the possibilities. There are many options where you can learn, serve, meet new people and just have fun. Come to ministry night on the second Monday of each month and get a taste of much that goes on.

Whatever you do, make this new year 2025, your best year ever. Find a way to connect with people and causes and most of all with our Lord!

Happy New Year!!!

Donna Kelly 

email Donna at: donna@sotpmail.com

Special Update

From Our Worship Team

Our thanks to Judie Symbal for her faithful service as our Altar Guild lead at Shepherd of the Prairie.  She has served as our leader for 10 years and five years prior on the team.  Judie will be stepping aside at the first of the year to go on to new adventures in ministry through the church.  Please join us in thanking Judie for her faithful service these many years.   

Well done good and faithful servant!!!

With that said, the Worship Team is actively looking for help in carrying on with this most important ministry of the church.  Some of the activities of the Altar Guild include:

  • changing the colors of the altar paraments and banners
  • securing bakers for communion bread
  • scheduling those preparing the sacrament each week
  • caring for the needs of the sacristy (room behind the altar of the church)

If you would like to help on the team please call the church office or let Pastor Mark, Pastor Ryan or Jane McMullen know.  We would love to invite you to serve on the team and include you in helping prepare the sacrament for worship.

Our thanks once again to Judie for her faithful service!  Please consider finding a place to be engaged in the ministry and life of Shepherd of the Prairie Lutheran Church.  Thanks to everyone who serves on this most important ministry team of church.

Contact: Jane McMullen at  jane@sotpmail.com

Prairie Pointe Quilters

Sheets Needed

Happy 2025!  The ladies are still at work making quilts – we’re up to 15 quilts now.

We can always use help – people to work with us the first and third Tuesday of each month at 9am.

Very important – we serve treats!!

Would love to see some new faces.

Also, if you have any flat sheets, any size, we could use them for backing.  If you have any questions, please contact Bev.                                                                          

Contact: Bev Kenny at krkbjk@comcast.net 


Special Request

From Our Offering Counters

Just a reminder that in 2025 everyone will receive offering envelopes by mail quarterly. We realize that some of you in the past have opted out of receiving envelopes so before you throw these envelopes away, we encourage you to remember a couple of things related to your giving to Shepherd of the Prairie.

When the offering counters receive an envelope which has a check enclosed and the distribution is marked on the envelope, this helps our counters tremendously to quickly account for your gift. We just need to open the envelope, make sure the figures agree on the check and envelope, and put each one in separate piles to be totaled.

When a loose check is received there are several more steps to be taken in order to process each donation.

Our counters must look up the name on the check, then fill out an envelope form which is a copy of the back of the offering envelope, with the giver’s name, envelope number, and gift amount. This is then paperclipped to the check and given to the counter that is opening envelopes that day. As you can see a loose check takes our volunteers much more time to process to be sure each gift is given proper credit to donors. So far, we have processed over 180 loose checks from households that opted out of 2024 envelopes.

Please keep the 2025 envelopes to be used on special services and various things that come up during the year like the food pantry and memorials. Of course, regular giving may be done online which is also a wonderful way to easily give to the ministry we share at SOTP.

Thanks again for your ongoing support. We are surely blessed by the generosity of every gift received!

Contact: Ralph Wehnes  


Regularly Scheduled









  • 5:00 pm Worship

Upcoming Special Events

Join Us!



  • Saturday, February 1  Feed My Starving Children, Noon
  • Saturday, February 1  Judson University Choir with Huntley Brown, Piano Presented by the Artist Series, 7pm
  • Sunday, February 2  The Great SOTP Bake-Off, 1pm
  • Sunday, February 16  New Member Gathering, 3pm
  • Thursday, February 20 Worship assistants training (Assisting minister, readers, bread & wine servers) , 7pm
  • Friday, February 21 Kids Movie Night, 6:30 pm


  • Wednesday, March 5 Ash Wednesday Services, Noon & 7pm
  • Friday, March 7 Wartburg College Castle Singers and Kammerstreicher Presented by the Artist Series, 7pm
  • Wednesday, March 12 Weekly Lenten Dinner Church Begins, 5pm
  • Saturday, March 15 Barnabas Minister Training & Refresh, 9:30 am

Get Involved

So Many Ways to Participate in Our Community

God’s Work, Our Hands

Are you looking for ways to use your talents and participate in our church family?

Here are some ideas and who to contact for more information for each one:

Stay Connected

Receive our email communications

  •  Daily Devotionals (Food for the soul) 
  • Weekly Friday Flourish (Church info)
  • Monthly Newsletter (More detailed information)
  • Weekly Videos from our pastors

To start receiving any (or all) of the above, please go online to:


Contact: Michelle Rankin at michelle@sotpmail.com 




Hearing Aid - Loop System

In the Sanctuary


Ask your hearing care professional how. Some hearing aids are set up where they might have an app on your cellphone that says “telecoil mode”, and you’ll activate that. You might have the ability to adjust the volume up and turn down for the microphone level. But again, talk to your hearing care professional, they should be able to show you all those options, and then play around with it, when you’re in church.

 Contact: your hearing aid professional