Mission Team
February Gazette
What is the difference between a refugee, a migrant, an immigrant and an asylum seeker?
A “migrant” is a worker who comes over to work temporarily and returns to their home country each time.
An immigrant is technically some who comes to work permanently (i.e. green cards etc.)
Asylum seekers are when people flee their own country and seek sanctuary in another country, they apply for asylum – the right to be recognized as a refugee and receive legal protection and material assistance. (what is commonly now in the US referred to as immigrants.
A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war or violence. A refugee has a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group. Most likely, they cannot return home or are afraid to do so. War and ethnic, tribal and religious violence are leading causes of refugees fleeing their countries.
Refugees apply to a country and are vigorously vetted before arriving and accepted into the country they have applied for.
THAT SAID, COULD YOU HELP the mission team supply a newly arriving refugee family with an EXODUS welcome pack?
We have many items already, but still need Plastic Wrap, Set of 8 glasses, Twin Comforter, Dishwashing soap, Broom & Dust Pan and more. Please go to www.bit.ly/SOTPrefugee24 to register to purchase an item.
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What else is the mission team a part of this month?
The Lenten offerings have been designated for AARK Gardens, Exodus World Service, Food cards for homeless in tent city and CRE-Reentry.
On Monday Feb. 19th , 4 t0 8 PM CULVERS’ FUNDRAISER to support local Habitat for Humanity.
Contact: Sandy Hupert at sandyhupert@gmail.com