10805 Main St. Huntley, IL 60142

A Note From

From Your Stewardship Team

Dear Partner in Ministry:

Generosity is all around us, but sometimes we have to look for it. In the feeding of the 5,000 story in the Bible, significant generosity happened once the child shared (John 6:9).  That is how it is here.  Once we begin to share, we will see God has blessed us with plenty. 

“507 – (Re)Forming our Faith, (Re)Membering Who We Are, (Re)Acting to God’s Call is the theme of our fall stewardship appeal.  This theme points us to the generosity we have witnessed around our church over the last year, but also reminds us of our rich heritage and our responsibility to continue to make Christ known.

There are always reasons to worry there might not be enough. As people of faith we plan, prepare, and trust in the abundance of God in all things.

Our grateful response in generosity helps to demonstrate to us and to the world around us God has provided us everything. We have enough, even enough to share.

In the weeks ahead, you will be hearing more about generosity and thankfulness along with celebrating our rich heritage as Lutherans. Newsletter articles, mission moments, emails and more will be used to share this story and our hopes for an even more robust ministry next year.  In Christ, we believe the best is yet to come!

In the coming weeks, please engage the materials.  Pray about how you can become more generous.  Then, on All Saint’s Weekend, November 2-3, please bring your intent card with you to declare the generosity you intend to share with this congregation.

Thanks be to God, you are part of this exciting congregation.  Pray for our common work together as we continue to reach out with the Gospel.

Sincerely in Christ,

Mike McCann

Stewardship Team Leader

Email Mike McCann: michealmccann71@gmail.com