10805 Main St. Huntley, IL 60142

December Note

From Pastor Mark

Off we go into a New Year!  Grace and peace and blessings to you and your family as you begin.  As I write this note to you, I am reading the Christmas Gospel from Luke.  I am reminded of the message the angels brought to a band of shepherds leading quite the mundane existence out in the fields near Bethlehem.

The angels bring with them a word…Glory!

Definitions of the word “glory” include a time of rejoicing, fame, splendor, or a feeling of dignity. Have you ever felt a sense of glory or honor? When?

Sometimes, when we are at our lowest, someone comes our way to lift us out of our doldrums. Do you ever stop to think that even the little things you say or do for other people may give them a moment of glory, or restore their dignity, or give them a boost at a critical time? What makes us respond to others in this encouraging way?

God restores his people over and over again when they disobey and wander off. There are often messengers, leading them or pointing them back to God. Messengers like angels long ago that encouraged a band of shepherds to go see what new thing God is doing.

Is it possible that those we encounter at crucial times, those who lift us up, have been sent by God?

In the same manner, aren’t we prompted by God in some way to respond to those around us? And what is the cause, or basis, of our responsiveness to others? Some of us may dare to admit that the intentions behind our “kind” actions are simply to look good, to foster our image, to reap some “brownie points.”

I believe God calls us to minister to each other, strangers or not.

As Christians, we not only receive  compassion and kindness from others, but also feel compelled to share compassion and kindness daily.

It is because our Father in heaven created us, and bids us to follow Jesus’ example. “The son of man came into the world to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.”  Our calling is similar, to serve!

None of us is above another in God’s eyes, although at times we certainly act and speak like we are. But by serving God and one another, our bond becomes tighter, and we are less able to be torn apart by life’s low points. God sends us out a purpose; we all have a calling to fulfill. It boils down to simply praying, listening, praising and serving.

I encourage you to find that place of service in or through Shepherd of the Prairie in the coming year.  Engage yourself in meaningful ministry and watch how God leads you to an encounter with a manger and the very real presence of the Savior.

Blessed New Year to you and your family!

Pastor Mark

Email Pastor Mark:  pastormark@sotpmail.com