10805 Main St. Huntley, IL 60142

May Note

From Pastor Mark

The Day of Pentecost the weekend of May 18 and 19 (Wear red to worship)

Have you ever walked into a room or a space of sort and realized that the conversation going on around you didn’t make sense? More than likely you simply weren’t versed in the language being spoken. The world of technology is one of those spaces for me.  It wouldn’t make any difference what number of languages you heard; it would be all Greek to you, right?

Well, not if you speak Greek, of course.

The point is, you could not contribute or reply to what is being said other than to shrug your shoulders, accompanied perhaps with a resigned look on your face, and either walk away or hope someone will step forward and translate for you.

In Acts 2:14, Peter addressed a crowd of Godfearing Jews who were puzzled that they could hear the words of the Spirit in their own language through the voices of the twelve disciples (Matthias just being added, replacing Judas, the betrayer). The disciples were not even native to the various languages in the crowd, yet because of the power of the Holy Spirit, each of the twelve could speak in a different language, enabling the crowd to hear what the Spirit had to say.

Others, perhaps those that refused to hear or didn’t understand what was taking place, accused the twelve disciples of being drunk. Peter, however, stood up and told the crowd that the disciples were not drunk, as it was only nine o’clock in the morning.

And so, it goes on today, too; all types of believers continue to speak to others about the power of the Holy Spirit, only to be met with a cool or disinterested response, as if the speaker made no sense at all.

Well, dear ones, like it or not, all of us in this world need to listen to each other and to help one another, whatever the need may be.

Another person’s view of the Holy Spirit may not be the same as yours, but it is not for you to judge so as not to put a stumbling block in their path. Try to live and walk as close to the Spirit as you can, and if your neighbors and people of the world can see how you live and share your faith in words and actions perhaps they, too, will be drawn into a closer relationship with Christ.

God’s mission always begins with a need and then asking the Spirit if it is me to help fill that need.  At Shepherd of the Prairie we need more of us listening to the Spirit’s gentle nudge and then stepping up and out to help with the needs that are present.

As the Day of Pentecost approaches take time to listen and lean into where the Spirit is calling you to engage in meaningful ministry in and through the church.

Let’s just not be hearers of the Word but doers as well, remembering that God does not call the equipped but equips the called!

Thankful for your partnership in the Gospel!

Pastor Mark

Email Pastor Mark:  pastormark@sotpmail.com