Special Request
From the Congregational Treasurer
As monetary donations are given to Shepherd of the Prairie Lutheran Church, it is important that our counters and contributions secretary are informed of the following:
- the donor’s name, and
- the breakdown of the amount of the donation or the per cent of the donation that should be credited to the General Fund, the Mortgage Service Fund or any other fund.
- For those donors who are using the pre-printed envelopes provided by SOTP, the blanks on the envelopes need to be filled out so that the donation is credited to the proper account.
- For those donors who are submitting donations by check but without an envelope, please make sure that the donor’s name is on the check and the breakdown of the donation is indicated on the “memo” line of the check.
Over time, we have experienced some problems with being able to credit members’ accounts when checks are received directly from banks or other financial institutions without any identifying information about the donor. Many of these donations are qualified charitable distributions (QCDs) from retirement accounts.
To help alleviate this situation, I ask that each member who has a financial institution directly submitting checks to SOTP to please notify that institution that your name needs to be provided either on or along with your check. This will be very helpful in making sure that your donation gets properly credited to your account.
Thank you for your assistance in helping address this matter and thank you for your continued support of SOTP.
Blessings to you all.
George Attaway, Treasurer
Contact: George Attaway galaonthelake@yahoo.com