10805 Main St. Huntley, IL 60142

October Excitement

& Small Groups Kickoff

We have an exciting celebration awaiting us this October as we honor our Lutheran heritage with several fun and educational activities.

  • We begin our month-long celebration with an all-congregation book read of “The Book of Harmony”, written by Dr. Martin J. Lohrmann. This book is a great commentary on “The Book of Concord” which is the basis of our Lutheran Confessions. All are invited to join in this book read and books will be available through SOTP for a donation. This four-week study will kickoff our Small Group Ministry for this fall. Our 7’s Discipleship groups are encouraged to use this study, and other small groups will be formed to discuss the book and what it means to us as Lutherans. Please contact Pastor Mark, Pastor Ryan, or Donna Kelly to obtain a book.
  • Our celebrations will continue on Saturday October 5, with Pastor Bill leading Lutheranism 101. This is an excellent way to find out more about Martin Luther, the Protestant Reformation and our Lutheran Heritage.
  • On Sunday, October 13 from 3-5pm we will have the opportunity to come together and watch the most recent Luther Movie, “Luther”, which was critically acclaimed.
  • Our Month-long celebration will culminate on Reformation weekend, Saturday and Sunday October 26 & 27. On Saturday the 26th, we are all invited to be part of the Celebration Dinner with Dr. Martin J. Lohrmann (author of our book) as our guest speaker. A great chance to get your book signed by the author!
  • The celebration dinner will be followed by a gathering at Sew Hop’d Brewery here in Huntley where we will enjoy fellowship and listen to The Guttenberg German Band. 
  • Then on Sunday the 27th, Dr. Lohrmann will be preaching at both services and there will be special music including a brass quartet and the great hymns of the Lutheran Church.
    Watch your email and the Friday Flourish for more information.

Contact: Donna Kelly donna@sotpmail.com

Community Outreach

Thank You

The Community Outreach team would like to send a heartfelt thank you to all that:

  • Helped at the booth during the Business Expo


  • Donated desserts and pet supplies to the Animal House Shelter luncheon

We appreciate the time you took out of your day to help support our ministries.

Contact: Tara Mackey  rtmackey10@yahoo.com            




Soup Cookbook

Calling All Soup Chefs

We had a fantastic Dinner Church worship experience this Lent. 

A big part of that was the delicious soups brought by many. So, we have decided to put together our SOTP SoupBook with all of those delicious recipes. If you brought a soup for Dinner Church or if you just have a wonderful soup recipe, please send them our way so we can include them. Please email your recipe to donna@sotpmail.com If you have any questions, please contact Donna Kelly via email or through the church office. Thanks, and happy souping!

Contact: Donna Kelly at donna@sotpmail.com


Special Request

From the Congregational Treasurer

As monetary donations are given to Shepherd of the Prairie Lutheran Church, it is important that our counters and contributions secretary are informed of the following: 

  1. the donor’s name, and
  2. the breakdown of the amount of the donation or the per cent of the donation that should be credited to the General Fund, the Mortgage Service Fund or any other fund.
  • For those donors who are using the pre-printed envelopes provided by SOTP, the blanks on the envelopes need to be filled out so that the donation is credited to the proper account.
  • For those donors who are submitting donations by check but without an envelope, please make sure that the donor’s name is on the check and the breakdown of the donation is indicated on the “memo” line of the check.

Over time, we have experienced some problems with being able to credit members’ accounts when checks are received directly from banks or other financial institutions without any identifying information about the donor.  Many of these donations are qualified charitable distributions (QCDs) from retirement accounts.

To help alleviate this situation, I ask that each member who has a financial institution directly submitting checks to SOTP to please notify that institution that your name needs to be provided either on or along with your check.  This will be very helpful in making sure that your donation gets properly credited to your account.

Thank you for your assistance in helping address this matter and thank you for your continued support of SOTP.

Blessings to you all.

George Attaway, Treasurer

Contact: George Attaway        galaonthelake@yahoo.com  


The Artist Series Presents

Barber Shop Chorus

The New Tradition ] Chorus is an award-winning a cappella chorus singing in the TTBB range with members from Chicago and the surrounding suburbs. 

Chartered in 1982, this Illinois District chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society has a long-standing reputation for delighting audiences through exciting harmonies and memorable performances of songs spanning decades and genres.  The chorus rehearses in Glenview, IL

Visit the church website at www.bit.ly/SOTPARTIST for further information on the Artist Series or email at artistseries@sotpmail.com





Small Groups

The Heartbeat of SOTP

What are small groups?

Gatherings of 4-12 people for learning, sharing, fellowship, service and more  Jesus had many disciples or followers, but he had his special small group of 12. As his apprentices, they learned to live and serve as he did.


  • Monday 1pm at SOTP Annette Petersen    petersenannette12@ gmail.com Study: THE CHOSEN
  • Thursday 6:30pm (Group is Full)  Jim & Kim Stancl’s home  kstancl@comcast.net                          Study: THE CHOSEN
  • Thursday 7pm Steve & Carol Legel’s home   sjvet@yahoo.com   STUDY: THE CHOSEN
  • Thursday 6pm –at SOTP Donna Kelly donna@sotpmail.com


  • A study for women of all ages Mondays at 12:30 pm Linda Dungey lindajsd88@gmail.com


  • Join with other Seniors for fellowship activities or outings. Fourth Saturday of each month 10am Phyllis Thompson phyllisthomson@aol.com


  • Come join the fun as we enter into new adventures through books! First Thursday of each month-at SOTP– Candace Beck, candybeck48@gmail.com


(Group is full)

  • Men’s Bible Study Group meets Tuesday 7pm via Zoom

COFFEE fellowships

  • Women’s Coffee Fellowship—Friday 10am –McDonalds in front of Walmart in Huntley
  • Men’s Coffee Fellowship—Tuesday 8:30am -McDonalds in front of Walmart n Huntley

Register at:

For more information on small groups, contact: Donna Kelly at donna@sotpmail.com


Thrivent Choice Dollars

For Thrivent Members

Matt & John Drafall will be at church on Saturday March 9th and Sunday March 10th to assist you with directing any Choice Dollars you may have accrued.

They need to be directed by March 31st, or the money will be lost.

In the past 10 years, Thrivent Financial has sent SOTP an average between $5,000.00 & $6,000.00 each year.

Contact: Ralph Wehnes ralphwehnes@sbcglobal.net


Hearing Aid - Loop System

In the Sanctuary


Ask your hearing care professional how. Some hearing aids are set up where they might have an app on your cellphone that says “telecoil mode”, and you’ll activate that. You might have the ability to adjust the volume up and turn down for the microphone level. But again, talk to your hearing care professional, they should be able to show you all those options, and then play around with it, when you’re in church.

 Contact: your hearing aid professional