& Small Groups Kickoff
We have an exciting celebration awaiting us this October as we honor our Lutheran heritage with several fun and educational activities.
- We begin our month-long celebration with an all-congregation book read of “The Book of Harmony”, written by Dr. Martin J. Lohrmann. This book is a great commentary on “The Book of Concord” which is the basis of our Lutheran Confessions. All are invited to join in this book read and books will be available through SOTP for a donation. This four-week study will kickoff our Small Group Ministry for this fall. Our 7’s Discipleship groups are encouraged to use this study, and other small groups will be formed to discuss the book and what it means to us as Lutherans. Please contact Pastor Mark, Pastor Ryan, or Donna Kelly to obtain a book.
- Our celebrations will continue on Saturday October 5, with Pastor Bill leading Lutheranism 101. This is an excellent way to find out more about Martin Luther, the Protestant Reformation and our Lutheran Heritage.
- On Sunday, October 13 from 3-5pm we will have the opportunity to come together and watch the most recent Luther Movie, “Luther”, which was critically acclaimed.
- Our Month-long celebration will culminate on Reformation weekend, Saturday and Sunday October 26 & 27. On Saturday the 26th, we are all invited to be part of the Celebration Dinner with Dr. Martin J. Lohrmann (author of our book) as our guest speaker. A great chance to get your book signed by the author!

- The celebration dinner will be followed by a gathering at Sew Hop’d Brewery here in Huntley where we will enjoy fellowship and listen to The Guttenberg German Band.
- Then on Sunday the 27th, Dr. Lohrmann will be preaching at both services and there will be special music including a brass quartet and the great hymns of the Lutheran Church.
Watch your email and the Friday Flourish for more information.
Donna Kelly, Director of Connection Ministries
Niches Available
Have you seen our Memory Garden on the West end of the Church building. 
There are still 21 Niches available that will hold one or two Urns. For more information, contact the Church office, Stan Crissman, or Ralph Wehnes.
Contact: Ralph Wehnes at ralphwehnes@sbcglobal.net
May 11th 11a-12p Fellowship Hall 
Join us for an afternoon of gentle exercise with instructor Danae Molitor, a multi certified instructor specializing in senior/active adult classes as she guides us through a class that is beneficial to anyone at any age – no matter your age, fitness level, or limitations.
More information and sign up via sotp.org or the Church Center App will be available toward the middle of April.
Contact: Tara Mackey rtmackey10@yahoo.com
At Shepherd of the Prairie
Christmas blessings to you and your family! We are looking forward to worshiping with you this weekend.
A reminder there are no morning worship services on Christmas Eve Day.
Please consider joining us for worship on Saturday night, December 23rd at:
- 5:00 pm, we will be using the Gospel reading for the 4th Sunday in Advent (Luke 1:26-38) for this service and light the 4th Advent Candle.
On Christmas Eve we hope you are able to join us for worship at:
- 3:00 pm: Acoustic carols, candles & communion
- 5:00 pm: Contemporary carols, candles & communion
- 11:00 pm: Traditional carols, candles & communion
For more information on the Christmas Eve services please CLICK HERE
- Also, a reminder of the community carol sing in the Huntley Square on Christmas Eve at 8:00 pm. Father DiTomo (St. Mary’s Catholic Church) and myself will be leading the carol sing this year.
We look forward to welcoming you and your family in worship and so thankful to you all for your partnership in ministry through this past year.
Merry Christmas!
Pastor Mark

Thank You!
A big thanks to all who participated in our Church Picnic on August 18. 
A special thanks to the Fellowship Team, the SOTP Picnic Band, the grillers, all who helped to set up and clean up, brought food, helped with the games, and to Nicholas Nissen for transporting the grills.
We had nearly 200 people in attendance, a record crowd! Great food and fun for all.
Contact: Donna Kelly donna@sotpmail.com
John and Carol Sturz have been training their 5-year-old golden retriever, Rosie, to be a Therapy Dog. 
The first step in her training was to pass the American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizenship test, a 10-skill test that teaches good manners to dogs and responsible dog ownership to their owners. The next part of her certification will be to make visits to schools, hospitals, nursing homes as well as to Shepherd of the Prairie Church and anywhere she is welcome. So far Rosie has been with us at many local restaurants and at SOTP Saturday night services.
Therapy dogs are not service dogs. Service dogs are dogs that are specially trained to perform specific tasks to help a person who has a disability. An example of a service dog is one that guides an owner who is blind, or a dog who assists someone with a physical disability. Therefore Rosie is not given the same duties and privileges that a service dog has.
Since many people are familiar with the Lutheran Church Charities Comfort dogs, we want to clarify that Rosie is not part of that organization. LCC K9’s places dogs with assigned handlers and the dogs live in homes with assigned caregivers. Rosie will continue to live with us and we will be her handlers. Our plan is to take her for visits to nursing homes, hospitals and other places like libraries, since we have both worked as school and college Librarians. John is also a retired Lutheran pastor.
John and Carol Sturz
And Giving Numbers
We have heard from many members that are on electronic giving, that they don’t want or need envelopes. 
We have implemented a new system, where there is an opportunity to opt out of receiving offering envelopes.
Besides electronic giving, if you are on annual or semi-annual giving, you also can opt out of envelopes. Contact Michelle Rankin to get set up.
With this change, many of you will have new envelope numbers for 2024. The 2024 envelopes will be issued sometime in December.
Contact: Michelle Rankin michelle@sotpmail.com
From Your SOTP Wellness Team
The holidays are often filled with time-honored traditions that include some of our favorite meals and foods. As you celebrate, think of little changes you can make this holiday season to create healthier meals and active days.
How calorie dense are my favorite holiday foods?
High calorie-dense foods pack a lot of calories and tend to be heavily processed, low in nutrients and fiber, and high in fat and added sugars. Below is a list of high-calorie dense foods:
- Fatty meats such as sausage, prime rib, bacon
- Butter, margarine, lard
- Snacks and treats like potato chips, pastries and chocolate candies
Low calorie-dense foods have fewer calories per bite, a variety of vitamins and minerals, and are low in fat and added sugars. The fiber content of these foods tends to be higher, leading to increased fullness and a lesser likelihood of overeating.
Examples include:
- Fruits and vegetables
- Whole grains and beans
- Lean proteins and low-fat milk products
When planning your holiday meals and snacks, try to include more low-calorie dense foods and limit items that are high-calorie dense.
Sneaky Holiday Calories:
- Egg Nog (1 cup) 343 calories
- Hot Buttered Rum (1 cup) 218 calories
- Irish coffee (1 cup) 220 calories
- Mixed Nuts (1/2 cup) 440 calories
- Chips (1 oz) & Dip (1 tbsp) 225 calories
- Fruitcake (1 average slice) 324 calories
- Cheesecake (1 average slice) 372 calories
- Pecan Pie (1/8 of 9-inch pie) 480 calories
- Mashed potatoes (1/2 cup)
- & gravy (1/2 cup) 300 calories
- Green Bean Casserole 225 calories
Better Options:
- Cider or sparkling grape juice
- 2/3 cup 120 calories
- Wine/Champagne (1/2 cup) 120 calories
- Mixed Raw Vegetables (1/2 cup) 25 calories
- Boiled Shrimp & Sauce (2 oz) 80 calories
- Chocolate mints (2 pieces) 60 calories
- Chocolate Covered Cherry (1) 75 calories
- Gingerbread cookie (small) 100 calories
- Snickerdoodle cookie (small) 100 calories
- Pumpkin pie (1/8 of 9 in pie) 180 calories
- Baked Potato & Sour cream 150 calories
Portions have doubled in the last 25 years. Research shows that people eat more when they are given a larger amount. Eating smaller portions is another easy way to reduce some of the calories from your diet.
Keep an eye on portions at holiday parties
- Grab a smaller plate
- Load up only once
- Eat slowly and enjoy each bite
- Mingle away from the appetizers
- Once you finish your portion, play with the kids or walk the dog
- Chew gum instead
Low-Calorie Egg Nog
Source: American Diabetes Association Holiday Cookbook by Betty Wedman
- 2 eggs, separated
- 4 cups skim milk
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 6 tsp sweetener such as Splenda
- ½ teaspoon brandy or rum flavoring
- Ground nutmeg to taste
Combine the egg yolks and milk in a saucepan. Cook over medium heat until the mixture coats a metal spoon. Cool.
Beat the egg whites until soft peaks form. Add the egg custard mixture with the vanilla, sweetener, and flavoring. Mix lightly. Cover and chill. Pour into serving cups and sprinkle with nutmeg.
½ cup= 70 calories, 6 grams carbohydrate, 6 grams protein, 3 grams of fat
Contact Jamie Patel jamie.patel@nm.org
Note to the Congregation
January 19th Kid’s Movie Night!!!
On January 19th from 6:30-8:30 we will be hosting a movie night. Have your child come in their pajamas and bring a sleeping bag or blanket to get cozy in the Fellowship Hall. We will have popcorn and some movie candy for the kids to “order” and have delivered to them. Please register at www.bit.ly/SOTPmovie0124 asap!
Candy Donations needed for our Kids Movie Night on January 19th.
Check out the registrations at www.bit.ly/SOTPmovie0124 to see what is needed.
Save the date, Friday February 23rd for “Shepherd’s Open Mic Night”
If you have a special talent that you would like to share, singing, dancing, juggling, playing a musical instrument, or imitating bird calls please join us, and bring a friend!!! Registration will be coming soon.
We will have a coffee and hot chocolate bar set up for everyone to enjoy.
Contact: Jill Gillming jill@sotpmail.com