10805 Main St. Huntley, IL 60142

T-Coil - Hearing Loop System

In the Sanctuary

Ask your hearing care professional how. Some hearing aids are set up where they might have an app on your cellphone that says “telecoil mode”, and you’ll activate that. You might have the ability to adjust the volume up and turn down for the microphone level. But again, talk to your hearing care professional, they should be able to show you all those options, and then play around with it, when you’re in church.

We also have two headsets to use while you are in the sanctuary.  These are in our Welcome Center desk if you don’t have a compatible hearing aid.

Link to video with more information:  www.bit.ly/SOTPloop 

 Contact: your hearing aid professional





Prairie Pointe Quilters

Sheets Needed

Happy 2025!  The ladies are still at work making quilts – we’re up to 15 quilts now.

We can always use help – people to work with us the first and third Tuesday of each month at 9am.

Very important – we serve treats!!

Would love to see some new faces.

Also, if you have any flat sheets, any size, we could use them for backing.  If you have any questions, please contact Bev.                                                                          

Contact: Bev Kenny at krkbjk@comcast.net 


Thank You!

From a hospital stay, surgery and cast, I was at Alden’s, for seven weeks.  I am home and will continue with P.T and C.T. at home.  I have so many people to thank for cards, gifts, flowers, and prayers.   

Thank you for the visits, bringing me communion,  making that great vegetable soup and other goodies.

To all who came to visit me at Alden’s, thank you.  To all my Saturday night ushers and communion stewards, thank you so much for helping Ed Cuttle put the schedules together, thank you.

It has been a rough road but with prayers, I will get through this.

I am unable to drive yet, but one day I will see you at church.

Blessings and thanks to all.

Contact: Barb Hoppensteadt         hoppen@sbcglobal.net

Mission Team

February Gazette

What is the difference between a refugee, a migrant, an immigrant and an asylum seeker? 

A “migrant” is a worker who comes over to work temporarily and returns to their home country each time.

An immigrant is technically some who comes to work permanently (i.e. green cards etc.)

Asylum seekers are when people flee their own country and seek sanctuary in another country, they apply for asylum – the right to be recognized as a refugee and receive legal protection and material assistance. (what is commonly now  in the US  referred to as immigrants.

A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war or violence. A refugee has a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group. Most likely, they cannot return home or are afraid to do so. War and ethnic, tribal and religious violence are leading causes of refugees fleeing their countries.

Refugees apply to a country and are vigorously vetted before arriving and accepted into the country they have applied for.

THAT SAID, COULD YOU HELP the mission team supply a newly arriving refugee family with an EXODUS welcome pack?

We have many items already, but still need Plastic Wrap, Set of 8 glasses, Twin Comforter, Dishwashing soap, Broom & Dust Pan and more.  Please go to www.bit.ly/SOTPrefugee24 to register to purchase an item.

– – – – – – – –

What else is the mission team a part of this month?

The Lenten offerings have been designated for AARK Gardens, Exodus World Service, Food cards for homeless in tent city and CRE-Reentry.

On Monday Feb. 19th , 4 t0 8 PM CULVERS’ FUNDRAISER to support local Habitat for Humanity.

Contact: Sandy Hupert at sandyhupert@gmail.com



Congregational Resourcing Event


You are invited to the Congregational Resourcing Event on March 16, 2024, at Sauk Valley Community College in Dixon, Illinois. 

This is hosted by the Congregational Life Committee. We will gather with worship. Then, we will participate in the keynote and discussion led by Rev. Miguel Gomez-Acosta, the Senior Director for New Ministry Development and Evangelism at the Churchwide Office of the ELCA.

The workshop listing will be shared as soon as it is ready. Registration is now open and closes on March 2nd. The registration fee is $25 for the event. This includes breakfast treats, coffee, and lunch. Scholarships are available.

This is a great opportunity to learn more about how you can be part of and share God’s Story. We can meet at SOTP and carpool to Dixon.

To register or for more information let Donna know.

Contact: Donna Kelly donna@sotpmail.com  847-669-9448


Thank You!

From the Grafton Food Pantry

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! 

We recently received a call from Harriet Ford from the Grafton Food Pantry expressing her sincere gratefulness for all SOTP’s contributions in 2023. She shared that she wished more organizations would think of them throughout the year as SOTP does with our monthly collections and quarterly food drives.

On that positive note, let’s show Grafton that we can go above and beyond in 2024!!

Be sure to watch the newsletter for our first of the month collections and the first community food drive in February!

-Community Outreach and Mission Teams

Contact: Tara Mackey   rtmackey10@yahoo.com


Community Food Drive

For the Grafton Food Pantry

February 24th from 9am-1pm  is the Community Outreach’s first Grafton Food Drive of 2024. 

Help us fill the shelves at the Grafton Food Pantry. Whether you choose to donate items or give monetarily, all donations are greatly appreciated.

Contact: Tara Mackey  rtmackey10@hahoocom





Helping Released Prisoners

Through Our Mission Team



YOU & I CAN HELP PRISONERS (Thru LSSI (Lutheran Social Services of Illinois) who meet prisoners the day they are released and try to help them rehabilitate.  They need hygiene kits.


  • Shaving Cream
  • Men’s Deodorant
  • Toothpaste (minimum 6 OZ.)
  • Toothbrush
  • Shampoo & Conditioner (or all in one)
  • Soap


THESE ITEMS WILL BE PLACED IN GALLON SIZED ZIP LOCK BAGS then Delivered to LSSI who then meet with the released prisoners giving them guidance etc. including the needed hygiene kits.

All are located in Illinois.

Questions? Contact Shirley Ulmer or any mission team member.

Vacation Bible School


VBS will be

July 8-12, 2024

Contact: Jill Gillming at Jill@sotpmail.com