From Our Worship Team
Our thanks to Judie Symbal for her faithful service as our Altar Guild lead at Shepherd of the Prairie. She has served as our leader for 10 years and five years prior on the team. Judie will be stepping aside at the first of the year to go on to new adventures in ministry through the church. Please join us in thanking Judie for her faithful service these many years. 
Well done good and faithful servant!!!
With that said, the Worship Team is actively looking for help in carrying on with this most important ministry of the church. Some of the activities of the Altar Guild include:
- changing the colors of the altar paraments and banners
- securing bakers for communion bread
- scheduling those preparing the sacrament each week
- caring for the needs of the sacristy (room behind the altar of the church)
If you would like to help on the team please call the church office or let Pastor Mark, Pastor Ryan or Jane McMullen know. We would love to invite you to serve on the team and include you in helping prepare the sacrament for worship.
Our thanks once again to Judie for her faithful service! Please consider finding a place to be engaged in the ministry and life of Shepherd of the Prairie Lutheran Church. Thanks to everyone who serves on this most important ministry team of church.
Contact: Jane McMullen at
Our Bishop

I turned 21 in Arusha, Tanzania. I had been selected to be one of the team that represented the Northern Illinois Synod on our initial visit to our companions in (at that time) the Arusha Diocese. It was an eye-opening, mind and heart expanding journey, taken between my college graduation and my first year of seminary.
That relationship, now with the North Central Diocese (NCD) of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT), has continued and had ebbs and flows over the last 33 years (yes, yes, do the math). Post-covid, we are looking to once again deepen that relationship and build up our congregational and synod relationships.
Every synod in the ELCA has at least one companion. These relationships are rooted in “accompaniment,” which promotes the values of mutuality, inclusivity, vulnerability, empowerment, and sustainability. Through the program, companion churches and ELCA synods nurture and strengthen one another for life and ministry through prayer, study, communication, exchange of visitors, and sharing of resources.
Outside of our companion relationship with the North Central Diocese in Tanzania, we also have a relationship with Arcot Lutheran Church in India. This past August, along with Vice President Minnette Willard, I traveled for the consecration of Bishop Peter Paul Thomas. It was a trip that focused on building relationships, of showing up to celebrate with Bishop Peter Paul Thomas and the Arcot Lutheran Church.
As we live out being the body of Christ, it is important to show up for the important things, the celebrations and the painful things. To support one another and be reminded of the love that fills us as children of God.
It’s the same reason why our Northern Illinois synod staff are so eager to worship with your congregations on a regular basis. It is why I go to as many congregations as I can. We are in this journey together, following God-made-flesh in Jesus and living that same embodied faith for and with each other.
God’s work. Our hands.
On September 8th, congregations around the Northern Illinois Synod participated in “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday. This day is an opportunity to celebrate who we are at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America – one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor.
Many churches packed school kits for Lutheran World Relief, like First Lutheran Church in DeKalb who packed 652 kits after worship. First had spent the previous months collecting supplies, sorting them, and recruiting many hands to make the packing happen as quick as possible.
For Grace Lutheran Church in Wilmington, “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday was more than just a day of service but rather created new connections in their community. A planning team led the congregation in gathering items for gift bags for the local nursing home. On a Sunday morning, their members created an assembly line for filling the bags, which included hygiene items, snacks, a Bible verse card, and a personal card with the church’s information. A root beer float station was set up at the nursing home. Nursing home residents enjoyed their treat bags and root beer floats. In the month prior, members of Grace joined with members of United in Gardner to work the Food Share fest held at the Wilmington High School. Congregation members from both churches helped load food into cars for over 300 families on a hot summer day. Members at Grace are excited about connections they can make with other churches and outreach provided to their community.
As we open God’s story, as we live as the body of Christ, we know we are called out in love to serve our neighbor. Do you have a story to share of how God is at work in your community? Send them to

Thank You
The Community Outreach team would like to send a heartfelt thank you to all that:
- Helped at the booth during the Business Expo
- Donated desserts and pet supplies to the Animal House Shelter luncheon
We appreciate the time you took out of your day to help support our ministries.
Contact: Tara Mackey
Calling All Soup Chefs
We had a fantastic Dinner Church worship experience this Lent. 
A big part of that was the delicious soups brought by many. So, we have decided to put together our SOTP SoupBook with all of those delicious recipes. If you brought a soup for Dinner Church or if you just have a wonderful soup recipe, please send them our way so we can include them. Please email your recipe to If you have any questions, please contact Donna Kelly via email or through the church office. Thanks, and happy souping!
Contact: Donna Kelly at
From the Congregational Treasurer
As monetary donations are given to Shepherd of the Prairie Lutheran Church, it is important that our counters and contributions secretary are informed of the following: 
- the donor’s name, and
- the breakdown of the amount of the donation or the per cent of the donation that should be credited to the General Fund, the Mortgage Service Fund or any other fund.
- For those donors who are using the pre-printed envelopes provided by SOTP, the blanks on the envelopes need to be filled out so that the donation is credited to the proper account.
- For those donors who are submitting donations by check but without an envelope, please make sure that the donor’s name is on the check and the breakdown of the donation is indicated on the “memo” line of the check.
Over time, we have experienced some problems with being able to credit members’ accounts when checks are received directly from banks or other financial institutions without any identifying information about the donor. Many of these donations are qualified charitable distributions (QCDs) from retirement accounts.
To help alleviate this situation, I ask that each member who has a financial institution directly submitting checks to SOTP to please notify that institution that your name needs to be provided either on or along with your check. This will be very helpful in making sure that your donation gets properly credited to your account.
Thank you for your assistance in helping address this matter and thank you for your continued support of SOTP.
Blessings to you all.
George Attaway, Treasurer
Contact: George Attaway
Barber Shop Chorus
The New Tradition ] Chorus is an award-winning a cappella chorus singing in the TTBB range with members from Chicago and the surrounding suburbs. 
Chartered in 1982, this Illinois District chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society has a long-standing reputation for delighting audiences through exciting harmonies and memorable performances of songs spanning decades and genres. The chorus rehearses in Glenview, IL
Visit the church website at for further information on the Artist Series or email at
Sheets Needed
Happy 2025! The ladies are still at work making quilts – we’re up to 15 quilts now. 
We can always use help – people to work with us the first and third Tuesday of each month at 9am.
Very important – we serve treats!!
Would love to see some new faces.
Also, if you have any flat sheets, any size, we could use them for backing. If you have any questions, please contact Bev.
Contact: Bev Kenny at
From a hospital stay, surgery and cast, I was at Alden’s, for seven weeks. I am home and will continue with P.T and C.T. at home. I have so many people to thank for cards, gifts, flowers, and prayers. 
Thank you for the visits, bringing me communion, making that great vegetable soup and other goodies.
To all who came to visit me at Alden’s, thank you. To all my Saturday night ushers and communion stewards, thank you so much for helping Ed Cuttle put the schedules together, thank you.
It has been a rough road but with prayers, I will get through this.
I am unable to drive yet, but one day I will see you at church.
Blessings and thanks to all.
Contact: Barb Hoppensteadt
February Gazette
What is the difference between a refugee, a migrant, an immigrant and an asylum seeker? 
A “migrant” is a worker who comes over to work temporarily and returns to their home country each time.
An immigrant is technically some who comes to work permanently (i.e. green cards etc.)
Asylum seekers are when people flee their own country and seek sanctuary in another country, they apply for asylum – the right to be recognized as a refugee and receive legal protection and material assistance. (what is commonly now in the US referred to as immigrants.
A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war or violence. A refugee has a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group. Most likely, they cannot return home or are afraid to do so. War and ethnic, tribal and religious violence are leading causes of refugees fleeing their countries.
Refugees apply to a country and are vigorously vetted before arriving and accepted into the country they have applied for.
THAT SAID, COULD YOU HELP the mission team supply a newly arriving refugee family with an EXODUS welcome pack?
We have many items already, but still need Plastic Wrap, Set of 8 glasses, Twin Comforter, Dishwashing soap, Broom & Dust Pan and more. Please go to to register to purchase an item.
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What else is the mission team a part of this month?
The Lenten offerings have been designated for AARK Gardens, Exodus World Service, Food cards for homeless in tent city and CRE-Reentry.
On Monday Feb. 19th , 4 t0 8 PM CULVERS’ FUNDRAISER to support local Habitat for Humanity.
Contact: Sandy Hupert at
You are invited to the Congregational Resourcing Event on March 16, 2024, at Sauk Valley Community College in Dixon, Illinois. 
This is hosted by the Congregational Life Committee. We will gather with worship. Then, we will participate in the keynote and discussion led by Rev. Miguel Gomez-Acosta, the Senior Director for New Ministry Development and Evangelism at the Churchwide Office of the ELCA.
The workshop listing will be shared as soon as it is ready. Registration is now open and closes on March 2nd. The registration fee is $25 for the event. This includes breakfast treats, coffee, and lunch. Scholarships are available.
This is a great opportunity to learn more about how you can be part of and share God’s Story. We can meet at SOTP and carpool to Dixon.
To register or for more information let Donna know.
Contact: Donna Kelly 847-669-9448