Prayer Chain
Submit prayer requests to:
To join our prayer chain and receive requests, email Donna at
Submit prayer requests to:
To join our prayer chain and receive requests, email Donna at
YOU & I CAN HELP PRISONERS (Thru LSSI (Lutheran Social Services of Illinois) who meet prisoners the day they are released and try to help them rehabilitate. They need hygiene kits.
THESE ITEMS WILL BE PLACED IN GALLON SIZED ZIP LOCK BAGS then Delivered to LSSI who then meet with the released prisoners giving them guidance etc. including the needed hygiene kits.
All are located in Illinois.
Questions? Contact Shirley Ulmer or any mission team member.
The New Tradition ] Chorus is an award-winning a cappella chorus singing in the TTBB range with members from Chicago and the surrounding suburbs.
Chartered in 1982, this Illinois District chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society has a long-standing reputation for delighting audiences through exciting harmonies and memorable performances of songs spanning decades and genres. The chorus rehearses in Glenview, IL
Visit the church website at for further information on the Artist Series or email at
The Community Outreach team would like to send a heartfelt thank you to all that:
We appreciate the time you took out of your day to help support our ministries.
Contact: Tara Mackey
To start receiving any (or all) of the above, please go online to:
We are now taking orders for memory bricks for the Memory Garden walkway. We now have 3 orders and need at least 5 of each size to order and get “free freight” from Florida.
Order forms are in the Church office.
Contact: Ralph Wehnes
For more information, contact Pastor Mark or Pastor Ryan.
Contact: Ralph Wehnes
If you attend Saturday Night 5:00 pm church service, you might recognize a face or two.
This picture is a group of the Saturday ushers, excluding Pastor Ryan, who faithfully serve on Saturday’s. Many also serve as Communion Stewards. Some were missing because of work or on vacation. If you are interested in serving on Saturday’s, contact Lead Usher Barb Hoppensteadt.
Contact: Barb Hoppensteadt at
We had a fantastic Dinner Church worship experience this Lent.
A big part of that was the delicious soups brought by many. So, we have decided to put together our SOTP SoupBook with all of those delicious recipes. If you brought a soup for Dinner Church or if you just have a wonderful soup recipe, please send them our way so we can include them. Please email your recipe to If you have any questions, please contact Donna Kelly via email or through the church office. Thanks, and happy souping!
Contact: Donna Kelly at
May 11th 11a-12p Fellowship Hall
Join us for an afternoon of gentle exercise with instructor Danae Molitor, a multi certified instructor specializing in senior/active adult classes as she guides us through a class that is beneficial to anyone at any age – no matter your age, fitness level, or limitations.
More information and sign up via or the Church Center App will be available toward the middle of April.
Contact: Tara Mackey
What are small groups?
Gatherings of 4-12 people for learning, sharing, fellowship, service and more Jesus had many disciples or followers, but he had his special small group of 12. As his apprentices, they learned to live and serve as he did.
(Group is full)
COFFEE fellowships
Register at:
For more information on small groups, contact: Donna Kelly at
We could use a couple of offering counters.
We count on Monday morning at 8:00 or 8:30. It usually takes an hour. Once you have a little training you would sign up for a month of your choice. Some counters think the pay is so good they sign up for several months.
Contact: Ralph Wehnes
SOTP has a heart to reach out to others needs.
In response this year’s Easter offering will be going to:
This is including:
Contact: Sandy Hupert
We have heard from many members that are on electronic giving, that they don’t want or need envelopes.
We have implemented a new system, where there is an opportunity to opt out of receiving offering envelopes.
Besides electronic giving, if you are on annual or semi-annual giving, you also can opt out of envelopes. Contact Michelle Rankin to get set up.
With this change, many of you will have new envelope numbers for 2024. The 2024 envelopes will be issued sometime in December.
Contact: Michelle Rankin
John and Carol Sturz have been training their 5-year-old golden retriever, Rosie, to be a Therapy Dog.
The first step in her training was to pass the American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizenship test, a 10-skill test that teaches good manners to dogs and responsible dog ownership to their owners. The next part of her certification will be to make visits to schools, hospitals, nursing homes as well as to Shepherd of the Prairie Church and anywhere she is welcome. So far Rosie has been with us at many local restaurants and at SOTP Saturday night services.
Therapy dogs are not service dogs. Service dogs are dogs that are specially trained to perform specific tasks to help a person who has a disability. An example of a service dog is one that guides an owner who is blind, or a dog who assists someone with a physical disability. Therefore Rosie is not given the same duties and privileges that a service dog has.
Since many people are familiar with the Lutheran Church Charities Comfort dogs, we want to clarify that Rosie is not part of that organization. LCC K9’s places dogs with assigned handlers and the dogs live in homes with assigned caregivers. Rosie will continue to live with us and we will be her handlers. Our plan is to take her for visits to nursing homes, hospitals and other places like libraries, since we have both worked as school and college Librarians. John is also a retired Lutheran pastor.
John and Carol Sturz
Christmas blessings to you and your family! We are looking forward to worshiping with you this weekend.
A reminder there are no morning worship services on Christmas Eve Day.
Please consider joining us for worship on Saturday night, December 23rd at:
On Christmas Eve we hope you are able to join us for worship at:
For more information on the Christmas Eve services please CLICK HERE
We look forward to welcoming you and your family in worship and so thankful to you all for your partnership in ministry through this past year.
Merry Christmas!
Pastor Mark
For more information on how to donate altar flowers, go to
Contact: Diane Mollis
January 19th Kid’s Movie Night!!!
On January 19th from 6:30-8:30 we will be hosting a movie night. Have your child come in their pajamas and bring a sleeping bag or blanket to get cozy in the Fellowship Hall. We will have popcorn and some movie candy for the kids to “order” and have delivered to them. Please register at asap!
Candy Donations needed for our Kids Movie Night on January 19th.
Check out the registrations at to see what is needed.
Save the date, Friday February 23rd for “Shepherd’s Open Mic Night”
If you have a special talent that you would like to share, singing, dancing, juggling, playing a musical instrument, or imitating bird calls please join us, and bring a friend!!! Registration will be coming soon.
We will have a coffee and hot chocolate bar set up for everyone to enjoy.
Contact: Jill Gillming
Our SOTP Bazaar was a success.
A special Thanks to all who helped to set up and take down our bazaar.
Another thank you to all who baked yummy treats and those who crafted wonderful items for sale.
Of course I wouldn’t forget all those who worked at the Bazaar. Everyone is part of our success.
We earned $2003.50 and every penny has gone toward our SOTP mortgage.
The Adult Education Class will resume sometime in January.
We will be studying the book Future Faith (Fortress Press) by Wesley Granberg Michaelson. In it he has identified 10 challenges the church must face this century. We will examine one per week.
Participants are encouraged to purchase the book and read along as we go. Please plan to join us when you can, even if you don’t have the book, for these weekly conversations on Sunday mornings at 10:15 AM.
More details will be announced next month.
Contact: Pastor Roy Olson
The holidays are often filled with time-honored traditions that include some of our favorite meals and foods. As you celebrate, think of little changes you can make this holiday season to create healthier meals and active days.
How calorie dense are my favorite holiday foods?
High calorie-dense foods pack a lot of calories and tend to be heavily processed, low in nutrients and fiber, and high in fat and added sugars. Below is a list of high-calorie dense foods:
Low calorie-dense foods have fewer calories per bite, a variety of vitamins and minerals, and are low in fat and added sugars. The fiber content of these foods tends to be higher, leading to increased fullness and a lesser likelihood of overeating.
Examples include:
When planning your holiday meals and snacks, try to include more low-calorie dense foods and limit items that are high-calorie dense.
Sneaky Holiday Calories:
Better Options:
Portions have doubled in the last 25 years. Research shows that people eat more when they are given a larger amount. Eating smaller portions is another easy way to reduce some of the calories from your diet.
Keep an eye on portions at holiday parties
Low-Calorie Egg Nog
Source: American Diabetes Association Holiday Cookbook by Betty Wedman
Combine the egg yolks and milk in a saucepan. Cook over medium heat until the mixture coats a metal spoon. Cool.
Beat the egg whites until soft peaks form. Add the egg custard mixture with the vanilla, sweetener, and flavoring. Mix lightly. Cover and chill. Pour into serving cups and sprinkle with nutmeg.
½ cup= 70 calories, 6 grams carbohydrate, 6 grams protein, 3 grams of fat
Contact Jamie Patel
We continue to ask you to please consider signing up to donate flowers to brighten up the sanctuary. Each arrangement will be $52.
The bouquets are delivered from the florist for the weekend worship services. The flowers are yours to keep after the Sunday services or on the Monday following. The church is open from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
There are several ways to place an order for altar flowers:
When you order the flowers, you will need to provide your name, the date you would like them, your phone number, and for whom the flowers are dedicated to or in memory of. If you don’t pay online, Diane will send you a special offering envelope for the payment in the mail. If you have any questions, please contact Diane Mollis.
Thank you for contributing to beautify the altar during our services at Shepherd of the Prairie.
Contact: Diane Mollis
We have heard from many members that are on electronic giving, that they don’t want or need envelopes.
We have implemented a new system, where there is an opportunity to opt out of receiving offering envelopes.
Besides electronic giving, if you are on annual or semi-annual giving, you also can opt out of envelopes. Contact Michelle Rankin to get set up.
With this change, many of you will have new envelope numbers for 2024. The 2024 envelopes will be ig envelopesssued sometime in December.
Contact: Michelle Rankin at
We only keeps financial records on members and non-members that have a giving # assigned.
If you would like us to track your giving, contact Michelle Rankin in the Church office.
2024 Giving #s and/or envelopes will be coming soon.
If you give electronically, please watch for an email from Michelle Rankin in the beginning of November.
Contact: Michelle Rankin
Contact: Diane Mollis
Sunday, November 19 will be Building a Culture of Generosity by Taking a Step of Faith Weekend at Shepherd of the Prairie Lutheran Church. We urge you to plan now to be in church that day. We are looking forward to welcoming Bishop Stacie Fidler as our special guest that day. She will also be joining us for a “Gratitude” luncheon following worship to thank all who love and serve through SOTP. Please register to let us know you will be joining us that day.
Sometimes, we have measured too much of our success on whether or not we could underwrite a particular budget. For this year, we will measure success by how much the people of Shepherd of the Prairie are willing to take the next step in their giving. Instead of strictly emphasizing commitments to the budget, we are asking each person to consider a personal, proportional commitment to the ministries of our church. This biblical approach to stewardship is an effective means of making progress in our spiritual journeys. We are asking not for equal giving, but equal sacrifice in response to God’s many blessings in our lives.
We believe that you, as part of the SOTP Family, are concerned enough to make every effort to come to church on Take a Step of Faith Weekend to make your response.
It will be a special time together!
We look forward to seeing you there.
Grace and peace,
Mike McCann
Stewardship Team Leader
Here at SOTP, we want to be sure that everyone has access to the latest events and happenings here at the church. One of the best ways to keep up to date is through our church app called “Church Center”
Not only is this app updated with the most current SOTP information, but it is also a quick and easy way for all members to register for events, keep in touch with their groups and make requests for things such as room reservations!
Feel free to reach out to our Operations Manager, Matt Morrison, anytime during the week to get one on one time specific to any questions you may have.
Contact: Matt Morrison
Shepherd of the Prairie has a document that is helpful to have filled out for your loved ones as they plan your funeral.
This funeral planning guide is available online at or as a hard copy in the church office.
As you may know, we are now publishing our Member Directory with members’ photos.
If you need to update or add your photo, please send your photo to Donna Kelly, or Ed Cuttle and we will update or add it to the directory.
We publish an updated directory every time we receive new members, so 4 times a year. If you would like to receive the updated
directory via email, please let Michelle Rankin know, or you can pick one up at the office or at the Registration Desk.
If you have any questions, contact Donna Kelly, or through the church office.
Looking forward to our 2024 Craft Show
Looking for:
All money raised from crafts goes toward paying down our mortgage.
Contact: Annette Kandell
We had an amazing Easter Egg Hunt here at SOTP on April 8th! There were over 80 children that came out to hunt for candy filled eggs (photo below). We had such a great time. Thank you to everyone that donated candy, we were so very blessed with all the donations. Also thank you to everyone who took the time to fill 2400 eggs, it was a big job but with many hands involved it didn’t take very long!!!
Our next event is on Friday June 2nd, Ice Cream Social Summer Kick Off!!!! We will be kicking off summer with games, music, and ICE CREAM. This event is for the young and the young at heart, so everyone is welcome. Go to the SOTP website and register today.
Calling all VBS volunteers!!!! VBS is coming up fast, July 10-14. This years theme is Ready, Set, Move: Follow Jesus Here, There, and Everywhere! If you are interested or you have any questions on how you can help please contact Jill Gillming
Contact: Jill Gillming
Summer is kicking off with an Ice Cream Social & Wheels Show.
Join us Friday, June 2nd from 6:30pm-8:30pm for the Ice Cream Social.
Sign up to bring your wheels at . They can have 4 or 3 or 2 wheels, maybe someone even has a unicycle!?!?
The best decorated kid’s wheels will win a prize.
We will also have games, relays, face painting, an ice cream Pinata, and lots of fun!
Let us know you’re coming – register at
Contact: Jill Gillming